Tuesday, April 14, 2015

12 signs "PERSONALITY" series . Part two: EARTH signs Part 2.Virgo

Some days ago I started "PERSONALITY" series started to write about star signs and do really human behave regardless of his/her Sun sign?

Part 2

How much do you know about Virgo people?

They are kind, down-to-earth, critical, workaholic, perfectionists....

Celebrities with Sun in Virgo

Cameron Diaz, Claudia Schiffer and Blake Lively have Sun in Virgo star sign.
Are they Virgos? They indeed  look like perfectionist women, but still are very different.
Unfortunately I do not know much about Cameron, but she looks like real Virgo. Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn) have very stable/serious faces. Cameron played in comedies, cause she has very emotional ascendant sign: Cancer.
Claudia is known for calm, serious face and looks like real Virgo. Why she choose model career? Because her Moon is in air sign and air people love to fly around the world and love to show their body.
Blake is real Virgo, cause not only her Sun, but also her Moon is in Virgo star sign. Her Ascendant sign is unknown, but I think that it is either Leo, Sagittarius or Libra.

Celebrities with Moon in Virgo

Courtney Cox  Natalie Portman and Nicki Minaj have their Moon in Virgo star sign. Are they acting like Virgos?
Moon tells about tastes of person. All these three girls love their work and take it very passionately. They give all themselves to work.

Celebrities with Ascendent in Virgo  (I found that these Celebrities have Virgo Ascendant in internet)

Madonna, Nicole Scherzinger and Uma Thurman have their Ascendant in Virgo star sign. (not 100% fact!)
Are they acting like Virgos?
No matter what is their mind, what they like to eat and other tastes...they all indeed behave in public like Virgo.

My calculation showed that not celeberitites above, but next celebritites have Ascendant in Virgo:

Kourtney Cox is calm person like all Virgos.

Jessica Biel is family oriented girl. (like other 3 signs Cancer, Libra and Taurus)

Sarah Jessica Parker loves to work and that is what Virgos love very much.

Ok. What do you think? I got to conclusion that Sun sign isn't ALL in humans personality.
Ascendant is the sign that you see first....it is how person behaves...
Moon sign shows how person thinks, his/her tastes...
And Sun sign shows what is persons inner ego sign. 

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