Friday, June 5, 2015

12 signs "PERSONALITY" series . Part four: WATER signs Part 2.Cancer

Some time ago I started to write "PERSONALITY" series about star signs and do really human behave regardless of his/her Sun sign?

Part 2

How much do you know about Cancer people?

They are shy, kind, romantic, dreamers, feminine .... 

Celebrities with Sun in Cancer
Arianna Grande, Phoebe Tonkin and Liv Tyler have Sun in Cancer star sign.
Are they Cacners? They indeed  look like very feminine, shy and romantic, but still are very different.
Arianna Grande is real Cancer, her Moon is also very feminine, cause it is in Libra. She is very Cancerian: romantic, tender, emotional, sweet girl.

Phoebe Tonkin has also Cancerian qualitites like sometimes she is shy and hides her eyes down. Her Moon is in Libra and it is noticible that she can´t live without relationship.

Liv Tyler is real Cancer, she is shy, romantic, tender. Her Moon is in Capricorn and that makes her hardworker and ambitious.

Celebrities with Moon in Cancer
Taylor Swift, Drew Barrimore and Vanessa Paradis have their Moon in Cancer star sign. Are they acting like Cancers?
Moon tells about tastes of person.

Drew is Pisces by Sun sign and Cancer by moon sign. She is water woman. What is her Ascendant? It is Sagittarius! She is optimistical and fire is in her temper and her hair. She is also veeeery emotional because of her double water.

Taylor Swift is Sagittarius with Aquarius Ascendant. Her moon is in Cancer. She is sensitive girly girl like all Cancers. Cancers She is also veery emotional, she can´t hide her emotions. Also Cancers love sea (remember her reaction at house on the beach in Punkd episode)

Vanessa Paradis is Capricorn with moon in Cancer. She is career oriented, ambitios Capricorn with add of emotional Cancer who doesn´t know how to hide emotions. Her ascendant was impossible for me to count, but since she is very pride as seen on all her photos, I think her Ascendant is Aries.

Celebrities with Ascendent in Cancer(I found that these Celebrities have Cancer Ascendant in internet)
Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz have their Ascendant in Cancer (not 100% fact!)star sign.
Are they acting like Cancers?
No matter what is their mind, what they like to eat and other tastes...they all indeed behave in public like Cancers.

Angelina is Gemini Sun and Aries Moon. Her Ascendant by the internet source is suppose to be Cancer. But really? Of course by watching her old movies like Tom Raider and can see that she is water lady: her lips are big, she has mysterious/mystique look in eyes like all water signs do, but my calculations showed that her Ascendant is Pisces. Pisces have biggest lips of all water signs and she is indeed emotional woman, since she takes love and kids seriously. Also Pisces love to help others and that is what she does! She helps poor kids in Africa.

Julia Roberts is Scorpio with moon in Leo and Ascendant in Cancer. Really? Cancers are not optimistics. They do not smile at photos, they look often sad. Julia is most smiling and most happy celcebrity of all. And what Ascendant is most happy? It is Sagittarius! And my calculations really showed that her Ascendant is Sagittarius. Then her mon moves to Virgo sign. And that is so true, cause I do not see Leo in her. Her face is actually very Virgonian with add off Sagittarius smile.

Cameron Diaz by internet source should be Virgo with moon in Taurus and Ascendant in Cancer. Really? Taurus moons are always calm and downtoearth. My calculations show that her moon is Gemini and Ascendant Aquarius. She is fanny, crazy like Aquariuses. She is talkative like Geminis. I do not see her Sun in Virgo being shown in her personality, maybe because she is double air that wins that little earthy fact.

My calculation showed that not celeberitites above, but next celebritites have Ascendant in Cancer:
Holly Marie Combs is indeed Cancer Ascendant. She has round Cancerian face, she is kind, calm, very "mother like" like all Cancers. She is sometimes shy (as you remember from Charmed). She is more Cancer than Sagittarius like her Sun. So why that Cancerian person would wanted to play role in such supernatural tv-series? Cause Holly´s Sun is Sagittarius and moon in Pisces. This 2 signs are most fairy tale signs of all.

Keira Knightley is Aries with moon in taurus and Ascendant in Cancer. Cancers smile rarely and are most of the time sad. Also they don´t want people to notice them when they do not want to be noticed. keira deffinetly is hiding behind big hood and big sunglasses from people when going out.

Milla Jovovich is Sagittarius with Moon in Gemini. She looks more Sagittarius than Holly cause air signs are helping fire signs to shine. Like I said all Cancers are shy and calm homy persons. Milla is not, cause she feels emotions trough moon (moon is emotions) and her moon is in Gemini. Gemini is very talkative, fun, friendly sign. She has something i common with Cameron Diaz who has same moon.

Ok. What do you think? I got to conclusion that Sun sign isn't ALL in humans personality.
Ascendant is the sign that you see is how person behaves...
Moon sign shows how person thinks, his/her tastes...
And Sun sign shows what is persons inner ego sign. 

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