Saturday, September 8, 2012

Eastern horoscope: 3 Independent, 3 Romantic, 3 Charming and 3 Strong women

Pig, Goat, Rabbit
1971                                                                     1983
1979                                                                     1991
1975                                                                                1987

Women's Eastern horoscope type Independent women (those born in the years of rabbit, Pig, goat) is a representative of the most mystical female characters. External calmness and serenity hides a mystical thinking, the witching power and authority over men. All these women clearly see reality, but when it comes time to act-here opens their specificity: they no longer trust  reality, but only the dreams and mystical signs. Yes and real life takes them more in their extreme form, rather than in a quiet period. Out of all the 12 female types they are entirely independent from men. They are a source of faith, but no sources of love. Love and will always struggle in human, tying each other for their opposition. And here there is only will, and therefore they are absolutely free from men. All they have is their will. Will is pushing its owner on great sacrifices, exploits, discovery, and even on crime. Women of these characters might shine in all activities that require taste, hospitality and good representation. They are great intellectuals, constantly seeking new knowledge, a lot of reading. Marriage is not for women of this type as an end in themselves: they can easily live without it. But, on the other hand, maybe they more than anyone else, are able to maintain the freshness of marital relations, create harmony in the spiritual, sexual and economic spheres. Independent women formed a mystical picture of the real world. Women of this type: Mary Baker Eddy, Helena Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, diviner vanga, Yogi Indra Devi, writer Anna Schmidt.

Dragon, Monkey, Rat
1976                                                                 1988
1980                                                                                                       1992
1972                                                                                                   1984
 Charming woman (born in the year of the rat, Dragon, Monkey)
Representatives of the three characters-the personification of feminine beauty, grace, sophistication and weakness. They create an impression of air creatures which have nothing to do with the sinful Earth. Witth all of their beauty they remind men that on Earth there are love and beauty. Their beauty is cold enough, and that's why the love image does not continue with sex. Often luring men into their "net" is not what men think about it. All ends after passionate kisses and oaths of eternal love. In family life, women of the three characters are continuing their line-to beauty, well-being and peace. Typically, this ideal of beauty and serenity reveals itself in the pursuit of Salon life for plenty of beautiful and expensive things. Often they despise ordinary life. The woman described by the type created for love, however, have a sober mind, common sense never leaves them, despite the things that men can do for them. They need economic well-being and peace of mind. As a realists, they most care about their own health, the health of loved ones, the day-to-day well-being. Not getting peace, these women are capable of unpredictable outbursts of anger.  the lack of certainty in everyday life can end with psyhical trauma or tragedy. Being the epitome of feminine weakness and insecurity they overcome their difficulties through the whims, tantrums, tears, in one word very  emotionally. They pass everything through themselves, here comes their understanding of people, knowing the truth of life. These women have difficult nature. Crafty by nature, they have the diplomatic skills. These women are good for marriage, but men must always be aware of what comes with it. In skimpy and difficult life it's hard for them to build family well-being.
Women of this type: Marina Tsvetaeva, George sand, Elsa Tirol, e. l. Voynich a. Kollontai, Catherine I, g Sabbatini.

Tiger, Dog, Horse
1974                                                                         1986
1970                                                                   1982
1978                                                                                              1990
Romantic woman (born in the year of the horse, Tiger, dog)
The image of these women, their thoughts, ideals, lifestyle, manners-everything is connected to romantic love. You may not think that it is true by the way they are thinking! They are cold, logical, analytical persons without unnecessary emotions with uncompromising and straight forwardness, with complexs about unperfectness and with self-humiliation. They are able to produce a stunning impression, but they unfortunately they have no power to hold this image. That's why it is so common amongst these women to not hold they words, to not do what they promise. No one doubdts they strong personality because they can make impression. No one but themselves. And yet these women are lack of the will, however, their high ambitions, which gives them a logical thinking, they are able to support with masculine mind. Often they are on the verge of failure or disaster. Their willpower, coupled with straightforward thinking throws them forward, not guaranteeing a good outcome. They always strive forward, never stopping, but always around doubting. Appearance of these women is lying. They may not be the only decoration of life, they should always be moving, because nature rewards them with never stopping motor, high intellectual abilities and talents. They have excellent people management skills and high ability to work. The romantic beauty of these women can hardly leave anybody indifferent. Not every man can follow so fast thinking and changing a romantic creation. Not every man meets the requirements placed on them by this woman. The man should only fit in their scheme. Here comes all the frustration, complexes, anguish, both for women and for its partner. When falling in love, they often imagine the perfect man in their partner. But when taking off pink glasses, fail in their personal lives. They need to learn to suppress a weakness inside, then they will be happy. Only when the man himself is busy in work , has an extraordinary personality, only then this woman can be his wife– help husband with work, to keep loyalty to him. But how much frustrating waits for each of these women, until she would be able to find someone who she needs!
Women of this type: Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Rommie Schneider, Patricia Kaas, Liza Minnelli, Inessa Armand, Sofia Kovalevskaya, Lyubov Orlova.

Bull, Snake, Rooster
1973                                                                                                  1985
1977                                                                                 1989
1981                                                                                           1993
Strong women (those born in the years of the rooster, snake, Bull)
These battle 3 three: cock, bull and Snake, with their ambitions, straightness, complexes, these women have the highest form of will-the will of the mind! controlled by the will. Fully implement the will can not all women, because of their rude image and lack of innovation. The strength of their policies, their leadership do not know competition in the women's world and is not afraid to even the competition of men. Tension, military language and social stereotypes often prevent these women carry out a political career. -To historians it is difficult to recognize the force of ruling women: collapsing the myth of women without will, believe that unbridled love elements can coexist with a sober mind and strong will. After clever mind always comes romantic love. Love is both to these women: the "Achilles heel", and a source of inspiration. Strong women put the very high requirements to perfect man, and not every man would be able to reach it. In love they themselves choose partner. These women are only 3 from all characters who try to combine three things: a strong family, be happy mother and achieve great success in a business career. Many of them are able to achieve this goal, the others being tossed from one extreme to another, as they loves a lot their family, are proud of their children and are willing to fight their way to the top of success.
Women of this type: Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Corazon Aquino, Mary Stuart, Catherine II.

Monday, September 3, 2012

House by zodiac sign

How to understand that the in this house is living Aries? It is easy-you have to ask several times to visit him at intervals of two or three months. If something changes, no doubt – here lives April's child. Today he has a country-style house, tomorrow-first Republic boudoir, slightly later-hi-tech Office.

In Taurus's house everything is competently and reliably, and they not follow fashionable trends of design. They compensate this lack of ability to have taste in fashion by looking at the heroes of favorite movies or on the pages of fashion magazines. In short, if the apartment is one by one as the mansion of the popular singer or Princess, Principality of Monaco – know here reigns a Taurus

They say that in each Gemini lives two persons: one good, the other is just wonderful. This couple makes their home decoration such amazing things like vase of Ming Dynasty pottery with a handwritten Bible, leather armchair of the last emperor of China, standing next to an original Aivazovsky. However, by virtue of their mindlessness, Gemini may arrange in a vase, a warehouse of twisted socks, chair throwed by dresses and stockings, but it only gives the Interior a charm-one half of gemini decorates-other half litters.

Also Cancers love vintage. But unlike the Gemini, they prefer to fill the House with rarities which, in one way or another connected with the secrets and mysteries of their own family. If House is full of frames with grandgrandfathers, aunts souvenirs, grandmoms barometers and mother 's dreses, then it is, without a doubt, the home of cancer.

Once entering the house, you realize that you came to visit underground millionaire? Then know: you are invited by Leo. Only those zodiacs are investing in an apartment such huge sums of money and effort, and soon they reach the stunning effect. House of the King of beasts often reminds apartments of King of human beings, and it is indeed very beautiful.

Apartment of Virgo-is stronghold of comfort and cleanliness. However, this does not mean that all the other zodiacs are all in dirt. Just only Virgo constitute the Interior that way, so dust has nothing to catch on, and stuff that has no purpose: has no place in Virgos house.

But the Libra has opposite problem. Their House often resembles a warehouse. The thing is that, by virtue of their zodiac, unhappy Libras are looking at an outdated thing so long and think "throw away or leave", eventually they get tired and come to the conclusion: "useful! I will leave".

Truly the most amazing House is a place of scorpions. Black sofas, covered with a skin of rare animals, gold wallpaper with edgings of bronze,  the skins of beasts, abandoned on the floor, it's Maroon and Navy Blue toilet bowls. Does not matter has scorpio a lot of money or little, in any case their flats reminds of burrows in which is great to hide away and build a majestic and grandiose plans.

In the apartment of Saggittariuses you can find it all: a statuette of God Nulu from New Guinea and drill with hole puncher, French perfume and boot dryer, plasma TV and grandmothers carpet. All this is in perfect condition, in very good place and followed the story "what, where and what for".

About the same is happening in capricorns house. Only unlike Saggittariuses, there is categorically none items of different religious and woodo things. Capricorns are famous for their love for home and family, so from their houses can be found all the things without which the comfort is just unthinkable.

Aquarius commit excesses which will be able to understand only the ragman or fan of old things. For example, expensive computer may stand on the tablecloth vintage times (it is made by my great-grandmother, when going to marry), and on the shelves of kitchen you can find old Iron (mom stroking with it my pioneer a tie).


Only here, in Pisces house you can see so many knick-knacks and charming Follies, which all the other signs of the Zodiac are transported to the summer house, or give to the poor. Pisces are -lyric and romantic, they love ruffles, bows and cute little boxes.